Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Exceptional Child

For several years now we have been asked to bring Regan as a guest speaker to the "Exceptional Child" class at LCC. This is a class for students who God is preparing and calling to be professional teachers, counselors or children's ministers (even though all these careers are ministry!) So this past week we visited theses classes to share Regan's journey as an exceptional child with them. This photo was taken of the Tuesday night class. Just looking at them makes me smile! They are all exceptional women (a couple of them are even in my Spiritual Formation Group!) God will and is doing great things through their gifts!

I don't know where this quote comes from but it is one of my favorites "Preach the gospel always...when necessary use words." For a person with a lot of words you can imagine that this is instructional for me. Regan's story is one of the greatest sermon's every preached yet she has never used words. Every time I get a chance to interpret her story for her I am reminded of all the ways God can use her story to help others, encourage others and strengthen others for their own journey. Regan journey has truly been exceptional. I looked up the word ex·cep·tion·al to see what it can mean.
1: forming an exceptional :rare exceptional number of rainy days>
2: better than average : superior <exceptional skill>
: deviating from the norm: as a: having above or below average intelligence
: physically disabled

Yet part of her story is the view from Ryder and Rylee's exceptional shoes. Their journey is different or exceptional (definition 1 & 4) because their sister is exceptional (definition 4). We are all trying to testify to the exceptional (definition 2) power of our mighty God in our lives!

As I ramble on about my own I know you feel the same about yours. Because the truth is what makes our stories as believers exceptional is that GOD is at work here.
We are blessed by all the ways he creates normal days, average people, normal situations, everyday lives, average towns, average marriages, normal families, ...don't we all just feel average. Yet when HE steps in HE makes the story EXCEPTIONAL! He gives us a story to tell that is far from the norm.


Sallie said...

Our son Caleb has Asperger Syndrome (AS), on the autism spectrum. We always like to say "he is AS God made him" and we can live with that! I can't imagine our lives without him..

God bless,

Jason said...

“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”

- St. Francis of Assisi

Mills Family said...

Thanks Jason!

Tesha said...

I love that picture of all three of the kids!!
Jaron said "I see Regan, I see Regan!!"
We both send out love!!

B. Claire said...

Thank you for your great reminders to have a better attitude about both the "normal" and "not so normal" things in our lives. They are all blessings that we don't deserve.

Your stories are beautiful.

Dan and Tammy said...

I see someone told you where the quote came from...I was going to tell you, Dan used it in his sermon the past two weeks. He's doing a series on Servant Evangelism, anyway, I am glad that you found out where it came from. :)