Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Life Lessons' through a Barbie Dream House

When I was young and growing up on a simple street in rural Oklahoma I had a neighbor a few doors down her name was Crystal. She and I hung out a lot. I loved to go to her house and we always played with our Barbie's. I liked to go to Crystal's house because she had a three story Barbie House that had the pull elevator. It was so cool! This is the modern version but was the hottest toy going at the time. The way I remember it she also had a really cool car.

I always wanted one. I was envious of Crystal's toy! My mom told me that I didn't need one because Crystal had one. She always said that playing Barbie wasn't as fun by yourself and so if Crystal had a house then we could play Barbie together at her house. There was no need for me to have one..after all Crystal had one. She was teaching me to enjoy what someone else has without needing to own one yourself.
The disciple of thinking something is awesome with out needed to buy it!

I have used that story so many times with my kids. Wither it is about awesome Lego's sets or little pet shop houses, Rescue Heroes, American Girl doll name it. My kids used to love to go the Hull's house when we lived in Dallas because they had a garage full of boy toys (Rodney included, that's the dad!). They wanted a garage full of toys too! I always remembered this lesson my mom tried to teach me. That life isn't even and sharing is good. Enjoying what someone else has without wanting it yourself is good. That this will create a happy heart that enjoys life more.

I admit I do still fall into the trap of wanting what other's have or even what other's (like Pottery Barn) tell me I should want. I am no longer envious of Barbie Dream House but I am envious of the houses I see in magazines and that I see on TV or as I drive down the street. I am not a huge comparer but it seems like the American Economy thrives if I DO fall into the trap. I like nice things...I even own some nice things...I just want to be content with them and not fall into sin by comparing the blessings that God has given me with someone else's blessing. It robs the joy out of the blessings God gives.

I think it has gone on since the beginning of time. Paul reminds us in Romans that we should rejoice with those who rejoice. Usually we like what we buy. So when I have something new I to share my joy and not feel like if I share my blessing the person I am sharing it with will want it. So, I don't want to do that to me either.

I don't even know if this is exactly what my mom was teaching me but I know that she understood that I needed to be content and keep from the love of money. Most Christian's would not say that they love money but most of us love the stuff that money can buy. Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes that we should be content with our pay. Doesn't that seem unAmerican. We want raises every year, increase of benefits every year, expect that the next job we get will pay more than the previous one. Then in that situation we will be content. Theses reminders in scripture teach us to do what Hebrews 11: 5 tell us to do to be content that "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you."

I hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit reminding me that this is what Christmas should remind me of ... to be content (full of peace and joy) in the reality that the Emmanuel came like God said He would and that the Emmanuel will come again like He said He would. How could I want for more. (As Mary Poppin's would say, "Enough is as much as a feast.") Like the old Hymn says, "It is well...with my soul" Thanks mom for the great lesson (your the best). And a special thanks to Crystal's mom who bought her the Dream House so that I could be taught this important life lesson. And let's not forget Crystal who shared when she could have chosen to hoard it all to herself.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Catching Up

We had a fine Thanksgiving with all of Brian's siblings and their spouses and kids in Indiana. A huge bunch for sure but we ate great food and enjoyed listening to the kids so that was pretty much a full time job. We gathered to take this picture on Thanksgiving morning. That was about the most difficult part of the week. (If you have ever tried to take a big family photo you know why...)

Paul and Tiffany (Brian's brother and his wife) drove through Lincoln on their way so they spent two nights with us and we drove together to Indiana. So we really enjoyed the extra time with them and the kids loved being able to travel with an "all girls" and "all boys" van. They are finally pregnant with their their child so I think that was one of the highlights of the week for Ryder and Rylee...getting to feel the baby move and all of that kind of stuff.

Today I am doing all the laundry from a week a way. This is day two of this journey. So, I'll write more later....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Our Week with Children's Miracle Network

Many of you know that our family is a part of the Children's Miracle Network family. This year Ryder and Rylee with a lot of help from my mom and dad raised almost $700 for CMN as Change Bandits. They were acknowledged as second place fundraisers at the Change Bandit Bash. Here is a picture of our family with El Bandito the mascot for the Change Bandit Program.

Earlier this year Ryder was also asked to draw a picture to be in the CMN 2008 calander. We picked up copies of it today that you can purchase for $10. If you email me or call me I can mail them to you. Ryder's art marks November of 2008. He did a great job. Here he is posed with the framed art which was on auction today at St John's.
This morning we were also on the teleathon for WBDR's radioathon for CMN. We are so glad to support the efforts at St John's and CMN. If you want to listen to Regan's Time on the telethon you can click on this link and listen. Just go to look for Regan's Story. They had a whip expert there and he whip a flower in half that was in Ryder's mouth and also another one on his head. I think this picture says it all. All the folks at St John's do so much to help our family. We are so glad to get the word out and raise some support for them. We praise God for how He provides help for us through them.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm Lovin' It!

So I wanted to make a post about a few things that I am really loving right now.

First, I am enamored with my new cookbook Deceptively Delicious. I have a little known obsession about my kid's lunch. My kids are great eaters but I find it hard to get all the fruit's and veggies in each day when packing healthy school lunch is difficult. So, I ordered this great cookbook. The idea is that you make veggie and fruit puree's that you add in your food. For example this week I made "Apple Muffins" which had apple non sweet apple sauce and carrot puree which adds fiber and beta caroteen to their food and you don't even taste it. I also made Mac and Cheese that has cheese but also butternut squash which is good for your heart and skin and cauliflower puree help your immune system and help your body fight certain types of cancer. I have made other things too but I will stop here. This is a great gift idea for mom's like me who are looking to feed their families nutritious food!It is clever, snicky and easy to do!

I'm also loving my coffee every morning. We combine Starbucks Espresso Roast with House Blend. So adds a great caramel flavor. Good job honey! BUT I am a huge fan of Starbucks Christmas blend. I look forward to it all year. Even they guy the runs our Starbucks on campus knows and shows me when the shipment arrives. It actually brought tears to my eyes on Sunday because I got to have my first cup on on my way to church. There is something about the blend that just suits me.
Okay, so the computer underlined that phrase all on its own...must be the Holy Spirit adding emphasis. But I do love it!

I also simply love the pictures and art work in the book. It is a spiral rung book so it lays open nicely lies flat! In general I love it!
My husband also replaced my camera that was run over. It is the same camera I had before but the newer model..I love the Cannon Power Shot Camera! I love this new feature that is called "accent" . We are having tons of fun with it as a family. It pulls one accent color from the background and highlights it in the picture. Fun stuff! I love it!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Victory's Cry

For two weeks now we have been giving breathing treatments every two hours. We have sucked more mucus that I care to describe. We have worked tirelessly to arrive at the point today where she is currently only breathing room air and is is breathing easily. She is producing some good coughs every few hours and we gave her no breathing treatments throughout the night last night. If you have never given any breathing treatments the picture to the left will mean nothing to you but if you have this is a three days worth of breathing treatment trash. Each one of these is one breathing treatment. Like empty casings scattered on a battle field. This is what remains of the battle fought in the bedroom of our little warrior Regan. Thankfully this battle we seem to have won.

This morning our family said a prayer of praise to God. We promised each other a long time ago that we would praise Him no matter what but this morning our hearts of full of joy because he has strengthened Regan yet again to defeat what seemed to be the impossible. As a matter of fact we praised Him because He strengthened us which at times felt impossible too! We have all witnessed yet another sermon on how with God all things are possible.

Someday Regan will lose a battle. I think about what that blog entry will say sometimes. About how that might be a tough battle for me to stick to my vow and praise Him in that moment too. But this morning I remember that I can be full of joy because the true reality that Jesus has already won the war. So I ask you today to praise Him with us. Would you do as Jesus asked and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. We can't all feast together which is what I want to do...throw a big party and celebrate. But will you do something today to celebrate...maybe drink a latte' some pie...have a coke....I don't know what it is for you but say a prayer of thanksgiving and celebrate that the this battle and the ulitmate war is won! ps I took this picture this morning blesses me to see her face free from about you?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Things that comfort me

This morning Regan and I are home by ourselves. Brian is teaching Sunday School at West Side Christian Church in Springfield, IL Ryder and Rylee went to church. Regan is still struggling with her breathing so she, I and Moby staying home. So we have been discussing some great truths that connect us to the body. We decided that these things bring us great comfort.

That one day all people will confess Jesus. What a day that will be! All people every nation, who claim many different languages, through out all time in history will confess Jesus. Even people who on earth did not have the ability to talk! We long for that gathering. Come Lord Jesus come!

All the struggle will be over. Creation will have the rest of it's redemption and will rest. This week I am tired so I long for a day when fatigue will be no more. I think Regan will be glad not to have to work so hard for a single breathe. She is doing better than she was. Praise God for that. We continue to do breathing treatments around the clock though we are adding in some breaks here and there. Mostly we are practicing our trust in God do sustain her by His power. I will say that I am continually amazed by her. She is so strong. I am a total wimp. She and Ryder had some snuggle time yesterday. It was good for both of them.

Okay back to the topic of the day...Jesus is close to those who are afflicted. So though this struggle is difficult he is near to us. What would we do without that. What a treasure to have HIM near us. We understand Jesus more when we struggle. Since He struggled with Joy. We understand how difficult that must be. I also believed God's heart is tender and so He heart of comfort is revealed in struggle.

Although my heart wonders from God's truth and God never wonder's from us. Although friends and family call to check in on how things are going. God knows. He doesn't have to read the blog to get an update. This makes my heart sing. I've been thinking about that a lot this week. I've been home a lot and when I set down to pray. I take a breathe and begin to share my heart with God's and I feel the Spirit say to me..."Child where do you think I have been?" So I express my heart because the experiences in days like these do a number on my I get set straight when I let his Spirit set me right.n Thank you for your presence Lord.

Although the Mills are stuck at home we always make time for fun. So I planned a FUNdo night last night and I though you might enjoy some pics of that. Fondue us great for Rylee because she is getting used to her new expander in her mouth! Round one was grilled chicken, broccoli, green apples, bread and mushrooms with cheesy fondue. Round two was chocolate marshmellows this time because they are too sticky but they loved the cream puffs and bananas!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Our little Yoda

Our family host's a Halloween party every year. I know many of you do not celebrate because of the evil but we have made the choice to know that This is the day the Lord has made and We rejoice and are glad in it. We love to dress up so we go for it!. So last night in the midst of breathing treatements and suction we had 25 people over. Here are all the kids dressed up and ready to hit the neighborhood. We love our neighbors so we look forward to it every year. We also eat together and each family brings information about a saint. A saint is someone who believes in Jesus. Each family either tell us about their saint or acts out a skit about it. It is great to learn about our brothers and sisters in Christ through out history who have took a bold stand for Christ. Here is a picture of the mom's that worked hard to get costumes together and make yummy food. Tesha, Jennifer, Me, Cindy and Shannon are all important people in my life. They all are those friends who I call on for lots of things in my life. I look forward to this night all year because of the sweet fellowship we all share.
Tesha and Jennifer live in the country and have to neighbors to Trick or Treat at and Cindy lives in my neighborhood and Shannon well she is just always invited.

Our kids decided to be Star Wars people this year. Ryder is Luke, Rylee Leia and Regan Yoda. They looked great. Thanks Nana for helping us make our costumes again this year! You rock! Regan continues to struggle to breathe. We are doing breathing treatments every two hours. She had big attack last night after everyone had gone home. She is better today. Please continue to pray for her breathing. We are trusting God that each day is in His plan. He knows what it will hold. We trust that what He has called us to He will equip us for. He just have to walk in the courage and boldness to DO it for Him.. On an added side note. My sweet husband let me sleep in until 7:20 this morning. He made the kids lunches and handled all the morning stuff so I could sleep from 2:30 to 6:30 with out interruption. Now that is love! Not the flowers and chocolate kind but really unconditional selfless love. I am so blessed my him everyday but today was special.