Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm Lovin' It!

So I wanted to make a post about a few things that I am really loving right now.

First, I am enamored with my new cookbook Deceptively Delicious. I have a little known obsession about my kid's lunch. My kids are great eaters but I find it hard to get all the fruit's and veggies in each day when packing healthy school lunch is difficult. So, I ordered this great cookbook. The idea is that you make veggie and fruit puree's that you add in your food. For example this week I made "Apple Muffins" which had apple non sweet apple sauce and carrot puree which adds fiber and beta caroteen to their food and you don't even taste it. I also made Mac and Cheese that has cheese but also butternut squash which is good for your heart and skin and cauliflower puree help your immune system and help your body fight certain types of cancer. I have made other things too but I will stop here. This is a great gift idea for mom's like me who are looking to feed their families nutritious food!It is clever, snicky and easy to do!

I'm also loving my coffee every morning. We combine Starbucks Espresso Roast with House Blend. So adds a great caramel flavor. Good job honey! BUT I am a huge fan of Starbucks Christmas blend. I look forward to it all year. Even they guy the runs our Starbucks on campus knows and shows me when the shipment arrives. It actually brought tears to my eyes on Sunday because I got to have my first cup on on my way to church. There is something about the blend that just suits me.
Okay, so the computer underlined that phrase all on its own...must be the Holy Spirit adding emphasis. But I do love it!

I also simply love the pictures and art work in the book. It is a spiral rung book so it lays open nicely lies flat! In general I love it!
My husband also replaced my camera that was run over. It is the same camera I had before but the newer model..I love the Cannon Power Shot Camera! I love this new feature that is called "accent" . We are having tons of fun with it as a family. It pulls one accent color from the background and highlights it in the picture. Fun stuff! I love it!


Heidi McKee said...

How fun. You are a way better mom than me! I love the idea of puree stuff, but MY KIDS will find it and gag! Great tip though, I know someone that will definitely use that cook book. Also, I love the photos. You are such a talented woman.

Julie Russell said...

The man is happiest whose pleasures are cheapest! (I imagine that goes more for women than men;) Not that Starbucks is cheap as far as coffee goes, but it's cheaper than a nail gun or phone gadget or something.

So did the cauliflower puree gag you out? I don't think I will ever make anyone eat cauliflower again. I used to think it was such a mild vegetable. I can't even think about it...

Casey Cummins said...

I don't know what to say about the school lunches. Wow....

shannon said...

You know what?! I LOVE Starbuck's Christmas blend, too!! We've never even gotten to talk about that! What a fun discovery!

Also, just for anyone who reads this,I have tried the mac and cheese and it is FANTASTIC...even my Garrett who is one of the pickiest eaters EVER loved it!!

I love, love, love the pictures!!

Casey Cummins said...

Everytime I drink good coffee I think of you! We have this great little coffe shop here in Weatherford called "The Coffee Cup" you would love it!