Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I am free. My professor for my preaching class told me I didn't need to hand in my last sermon because "You have done excellent work all semester." I only had about an hours work left on it but any break is big. So after I said thank you to God and my professor I was reminded of something I have said over and over in the past few day (besides Come Lord Jesus Come). I had some level of peace about not getting the sermon done because I couldn't figure out when else I could have done it. I made choices to sometimes give up family time for the library and other times the library for the family. I think God taught me today that when you try to worship through each activity in your life God is honored. I don't at all expect this to happen ever again but the work paid off.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey I am done too! I finished my last final this morning, I will never have to take another final as a college student again! Now it's off to Disney World! Love you